A super easy DIY project using only materials that you already have at home.
You can make whichever letter you want. i decided to make the letter "&" and this time i had a very special helper!

2 A4 Card stock
1 A4 Sheet of paper
Glue ou Double sided tape
1 Dog (Optional but definitely advised)
1. Start by sketching your desired letter on to the sheet of paper or if you don't feel confident about your drawing skills you can always type the letter on your computer and print it.
2. Cut the letter and use it as a stencil to draw it on both of your card stocks.

3. Cut the card stock letters leaving at least a 1 cm allowance. If your letter has curved edges cut small triangles along the curves to make it easier to bend.

4. Bend all the edges.
5. Cut a strip of card stock that is 4cm wide and with enough lenght to cover the entire circumference of the letter. Also cut a strip for any internal shapes your letter might have.

6. All there's left to do is glue the strips to both letters.
And you're done! You can now leave it has it is or you can decorate it to your taste.
If you're not sure about what to do, you can always ask your dog for advice, although if your dog is anything like mine, he might just try to eat the letter so be careful with that!

Hope you liked this project and if you decide to try it I would love to see the final result. Send me an email to myavius@hotmail.com or share it on social media with #aviuslook.