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hAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT making your own rug?

neither have i.

It's a thought that has never crossed my mind, mainly because it seems like a really complex and challenging project.




1. Choose what lenght you’d like your rug to be. Mine is 1,20m x 2m, which means I had to cut the netting into two 0,60m x 2m pieces.

2. Next cut the cotton piping into 10 cm pieces. The number of pieces you'll have to cut depends on the lenght you chose.

3. Weave the cotton pieces in between the netting grid and tie them with the rubber bands or use a needle and thread to sew them together.

5. After completely cover both netting pieces, repeat steps #3 and #4 but this time, you’ll be weaving pieces though the ends of each separate pieces of mesh to bring them together as one.

​​via Paper & Stitch

and it's done!

a super easy project that is totally adjustable to your own taste and needs.

let you creativity run free and create rugs of various shapes and colors.


Hope you liked it and if you decide to make your own rug don't forget to share it with me! Send me an email with the final result to or share it on social media with the #aviuslook.




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